Mike Roig, Sculpture

Whirled of Nature



As promised, the visual drama around the studio took many steps up over the last couple

of weeks. All three of the birds have had first fittings to the base, during which I tacked the

head pieces to the neck assembly. The axles need to be perfectly vertical so this was

the opportunity to make sure that was accomplished. But let's back up a bit,

a lot has been going on...

First let's zero in on those neck assemblies.

Each is a separable element from the body, which will allow for options on installation. Any

future maintenance tasks where removal of the kinetic tops is necessary will be able to be accomplished

without having to take down the main forms of the individual birds. They are a snug

fit, secured with 37 screws.


Those first fittings of the birds to base went very smoothly, and the new SkyJack

came into play fully for the first time.

Once all three heads were tacked firmly in place, I took each down one at a time.

Now the forms will be surface polished before returning to the base.

I also solved one bit of refinement to the bearing sets that I'd been thinking on for a while.

I wanted to create an absorbent seal for the bottom part of the axle assembly to prevent

grease from working its way down and out of the bearing sets. I have a custom set of washers

inside that will prevent most of that potential, but these custom cut felt seals will

end that concern.



Refinement is the theme now. Form head pieces getting finish welded and sanded/blended into the

neck assembly...


...the main bodies being sanded, polished and sealed...

...so I'll be fully occupied for the next few weeks.

One fun little interlude happened this past weekend when my nephew Bodhi Bryan-Roig, a

filmmaker in the making at George Mason University, came down to film a short documentary

about his artist-uncle. His timing was perfect for getting some great visuals.

So the studio is full. I'll be too busy for folly for the foreseeable future.


Opening Page for Whirled of Nature

Episode 2 - 1/20/23

Episode 3 - 2/1/23

Episode 4 - 2/17/23

Episode 5 - 3/12/23

Episode 7 - 1/1/24

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