Triune Progress - Week Two
The three main uprights are ready for their initial positioning. This presented a challenge to
simply keep each leg upright as I went to grab the next with the hoist. Some creative use of scrap wood and
the serendipitous use of available heavy objects solve the problem and allowed me to get all three into place.
Meanwhile Ed Tranin supplied me with some photo updates to the Hospital site this week. It appears
to be coming together nicely, although still far enough from pristine to maintain some suspense. Of course this was
the week when the news of Hospitals in that area of the country was dominated by the Joplin, Mo. tornado. Let's hope
this site experiences no such fate, but it will certainly inspire a heightened level of attention to the details of structural integrity
as I proceed.
Okay, all three legs in rough position and I start to finesse that relationship and sort out how they will connect. As in the maquette,
there is further structure that will bind and raise the legs, but for now it is enough to get them joined to each other.
Some piecing and filling to do there, and eventually I'll be needing to devise connections that will allow for each
upright to be removed from the base element that will occupy this coming week's energy.
Nevertheless, it's good to see these elements actually standing and lending solid presence
to what I have been holding in my imagination all Spring.